Tutors for ADHD Students

Helping Kids with ADHD Get Organized and Stay on Top of Schoolwork.

Our Homework Coaches Help with Homework Completion while building your child’s Executive Function Skills

Trained Coaches

We Specialize in Helping ADHD Kids

Over the years, hundreds of parents would tell us something like: “My son doesn’t need a math or Spanish tutor. He needs someone to help him get organized and complete his assignments.” So we devised a training program to teach our tutors how to be effective with such students.

Organization, Routines, Strategies

Our homework coaches will help your child develop routines for organizing their schoolwork, managing their times, and breaking down assignments into manageable pieces. And we teach these study skills in a hands-on way, applying the lessons to your child’s current homework.

Building Self-Esteem

All Children Want to Succeed

We believe all chidren want to do well in school. But some time around middle school an ADHD child may find their grades slipping and they lose confidence. Rather than admit they need support, they act like they don’t care. They become unmotivated and resist their parent’s help. That’s where our coach can help.  They’ll help your student get on top of school work and make homework more enjoyable. 

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